lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018


Dancer Electroscope

Students understand the behavior of the positive and negative charges in the environment that surrounds us.
All the bodies that surround us are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons. In many cases the amount of protons and electrons is not the same (the body isn't balanced electrically); When the amount of protons and electrons is the same, the load is zero or neutral.

1. a glass jar.
2. a piece of cardboard.
3. aluminum foil or metallic.
4. a nail.
5. transparent adhesive tape.
6. a balloon or plastic comb.

1 cut a piece of cardboard to cover the mouth of the jar.
2 nail through the carton focused down.
3. cut two strips of foil 5X0.5cm.
4 hook with adhesive tape one of the ends of the two pieces of aluminum foil in the pointed part of the nail and replace the cardboard on top of the jar lid.
5 load of electricity a balloon or a comb through the hair. Put the object loaded near the head of the nail. Without touching it.

How materials and their
interactions are.
Papas favor de repasar con los jóvenes su proyecto.

Muchas gracias

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