domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

English homework 3/11/14

Read aloud 10 minutes every day! Reading Pathsbook.
3-11-14  Repeat voc words list 9, three times, write a sentence with each voc word and illustrate them.  (5) sentences in past simple, (5) past perfect, (5) past continuous, (5) in negative form.
4-11-14  1. Write a sentence with each phrasal verb. (grammar notebook)  2. Write phisical descriptions of Katrina, Brom and Ichabod. (Student's book pages 42, 43)
5-11-14  Study verb list 4, tomorrow dictation. Practice sentences with the difficults verbs for you.
6-11-14  Study voc list 9, tomorrow dictation.
7-11-14 No homework!   Have fun!

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