domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

English homework 27/10/14

27-10-14   Voc list 8, repeat three times each word, illustrate them and write sentences as it is indicated.
Prepare your composition, you'll bring it next Thursday 30.
28-10-14  Student's book page 39, exercise 2, read the paragraph "Ponce de Leon" underline sentences in simple past, past perfect (affirmative and negative forms), then write them down in your grammar notebook.
29-10-14  Study voc list 8, tomorrow dictation.  Do not forget to bring your composition.
30-10-14  Repeat verbs list 4 three times, illustate them when posibble, write a sentence with each verb. (5 sentences in past continuous and 5 in past perfect)
Enjoy your loooong weekend!!              

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