domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

English homework 29/09/14

29-09-14  Repeat voc list 5, three times, illustrate it when possible, write 10 sentences in negative form and 10 sentences in affirmative form, using each voc word.
30-09-14  Study verb list 2, tomorrow exam. Write 3 sentences in present perfect and 2 sentences in past simple, using some of the verbs in list 2.
01-10-14  Grammar notebook. 1. Read the paragraph and write questions with: who - when - wehere- what, and answer them  2. Underline in the paragraph the sentences that have relative pronouns           ( where - that - who ) and write them down.
02-10-14  Study voc list 5, tomorrow dictation. Write 5 sentences.
03-10-14  No homework.   Be prepare for your Spanish exams!  

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